
Listening & Reading : 캠브릿지 16권 1회차

score : L7( 1st 31→2nd 33 ) / R6( 1st 26→2nd 31 )


Part 1: 4번 (1번 놓침) 8번 (답은 복수인데, 단수로 씀. Hint. 문제에 workshop은 5주 동안이라고 되어있음)Part 2: 11번 (2번 틀렸음)quite old company, founder went in steeling industry when he left school 1923 set up this company when he finished his apprenticeship(견습) 1926start making plans earlier 2years  192419번 (map -

corridor(복도) / can be accessed lorries going up turning road

HR front this front this building so head to left along of reception second room come to

Part 3 23-24번 (1번) put off(연기하다), rationale(이론적 근거, 

realised note about all just description, did evaluate anything fix that - / look 


Part 4:

31번 (1번) : 

refering to practical of all philosophy and therefore, the most appealing

33번 (2번)


34번 (1번)

35번 (2번)

36번 (2번) 

39번 (2번)



Reading : 1차 컴퓨터로 시간제한, 2차 페이퍼로 시간제한없이+오답노트 동반(F/NG 문제 및 사람이름 매칭 잘 되지 않음)


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