간호사 면접 질문 준비하던 중, 구글을 통해 찾은 University of San Francisco에서 작성된 Nursing Interview Questions가 있어 공유해보고자 한다. 갓 졸업한 New Grads를 위한 질문이 많은 것 같지만, 보편적인 면접 질문과 함께 시나리오도 있어 공부하기에 좋을 듯하다.
이 질문들 외에도 유사하거나 추가될 수 있는 질문들을 (+) 마크로 추가하였다.
아래 링크를 누르면 PDF 파일을 볼 수 있다.
General Interview Questions and Tips
1. Please tell me about yourself.
2. Why did you choose nursing?
+ What made you choose nursing as a career? / Why did you decide to become a nurse?
3. What have you done since graduation?
4. Name 3 words to describe yourself.
5. What is a strength you have? What is a weakness you have?
+ What makes you a good ( oncology ) nurse?
+ ( weakness의 경우 ), If so, what are you doing to improve? What is an area you need to improve as a nurse?
6. What are your short-term goals (6 months)? What are your long-term goals (5 years)?
7. Did you research the hospital before you came today?
8. How did you hear about (Hospital)?
9. What aspect of our mission statement appeals to you the most? ( 각 지원 병원의 Mission, Value, Vision 등을 확인해둘 것!! )
10. What do you know about the New Grad program?
11. Why do you want a job in this area/facility?
+ Why do you want to come to our hospital? / Why did you decide to apply for this position?
+ ( 해외 취업인 경우 ), Why do you want to come to [country name]? / What do you know about our country?
12. What skills did you do in clinical?
13. Have you worked with CNA's? How did it go? What tasks did you delegate?
14. What is common sense?
15. Why should we hire you? ( Strength와 관련 )
16. What questions do you have for us? ( 보통, 인터뷰 마무리 질문인 경우가 많음 )
17. What do you like about working as a nurse?
+ What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse?
+ What are your nursing values? / What is the most important part of being a nurse for you?
+ Tell me about an accomplishment that you are most proud of.
Behavioral Based Questions
1. Have you ever had a conflict with a coworker? How did you resolve it?
2. If you make an error charting, how do you fix it?
+ What would you do if you discovered during documentation that you had administered the wrong dose of medication to the patient?
3. Tell me about your most difficult patient.
4. Tell me about a time you saw something unethical or not done correctly by another coworker/boss/doctor.
+ What would you do if a coworker made an error but did not report it?
5. Tell me about a project you did for a class or hospital unit, and what were the results?
6. Tell me about a time or situation when you were under pressure.
+ How do you handle(deal with) your stress?
+ How you are going to deal with the new environment and stress? When you come here, you are very new, you will meet some difficulties on the beginning. How will you overcome these difficulties?
+ If you come here you will be dealing with a new culture, new hospital, new home, new country. How will you deal with all that stress?
+ When your patient load or workload is too high. How do you prioritize your duties?
+ What is the most challenging about working in ( oncology ) unit?
7. Tell me about a time you had to care for a patient with another cultural/religious belief.
8. Have you ever witnessed a breach of confidentiality & what did you do? If not, what would you do?
9. Tell me about a time where you had to delegate care or take a leadership role.
10. Define critical thinking. How did you use critical thinking during your preceptorship?
11. Was there ever a time when something in your patient care needed to be changed? What did you do? What was the result?
12. Did you ever have a situation "go bad"? What did you do/how did your preceptor intervene?
13. Have you ever called a rapid response or a code?
1. If you were the nurse for a patient going into surgery, what are the pre-op and post-op teachings you would discuss?
2. If you were working on a floor and a doctor came up to you and yelled at you referring to a patient that wasn't yours and you had not been taking care of, how would you respond? → Conflict 관련
3. If you were a nurse on a floor and you walked into a room and the patient was short of breath and said they were having trouble breathing, what would you assess and why? If you hear wheezing and note that the patient has a history of asthma, then what would you do? How would you chart this scenario?
4. If you are a nurse on a unit and you have a patient who is asking for pain meds, a patient who is leaving for the OR and the OR doc calls and says they are coming up in 5 minutes and you need to have the patient ready, a patient who needs to use the restroom, a patient who feels sick, and a patient who wants someone to sit with them, who do you see first and why? → Priority 관련 문제
5. If you have a diabetic patient who is not communicative, what do you do?
6. If you are a nurse on a floor and one patient is experiencing a transfusion reaction, another patient is in shock, and a third patient has low blood pressure, who do you see first and why? → Priority 관련 문제
7. If you have an older patient who has been in bed for 2 weeks, is short of breath, and has a respiratory rate of 40, what do you do?
8. If you are a nurse on a floor and the ventilator alarm is sounding and the high-pressure alarm is sounding, what do you do?
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